Friday, February 4, 2011

Food Hoarding

I was personal finance blog hopping, and came across an interesting personal finance blog "The Quest for $85,ooo".
On an older post, she wrote about overspending and food hoarding.
It never occurred to me that there was such a thing, but it really resonated.
There's a real problem in general society with food insecurity, and for those of us who've spent times without enough food, there's nothing like an overflowing pantry, fridge and cupboards filled to bursting with food.
And many personal finance bloggers recommend stockpiling groceries, but that's not in keeping with the way I'm shopping (fresh fruits and veggies).
But, I do end up throwing out a lot of spoiled food.
I always have fruits and veggies on hand, and I want that to continue, but I am definitely over buying.
With my small kitchen (which has a fridge and chest freezer), opening any kitchen door or cabinet pretty much guarantees food will jump out at you.
For the rest of February, I'm going to make a concerted effort to meal plan around what I already have.
Friday accountability:
Health Insurance paid today.
Still need to pay car ins, mortgage, and aiming for the $400.
Waiting for deposits to clear before I can pay the above.
Credit card debt: $15,465.
$100 to E*Trade.
Goal: $100 week for food.

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