Monday, September 19, 2011

This is taking forever............

I just keep focusing on the fact that by this time next year, all my credit card debt should be gone.
As well as my car loan.
Then I can kill Sallie Mae and her two ugly sisters.
Then I can get a bigger house.
Then my life can begin ;)
Yes, it's a pity party sort of day.
Trying to get my thoughts for the week together, and this is my virtual menu plan to do list.
Monday: Cheesy Chicken Casserole/Fattening, good, and I need to use up shredded cheese.
Tuesday: Spaghetti &Meatballs
Wednesday: Chicken for the lazy, roasted veggies.
Thursday: Rice, leftover chicken, broccoli
Friday: Leftovers (just me, most likely)
Saturday: Beef &Broccoli stir fry
I really need to get some other kinds of meat, but I have a deep freezer bursting with chicken, so chicken it often is.
Salads served with the above, as well as Rainman's special foods.
I also need to make blueberry muffins, apple bakes, and some cinnamon raisin bread for snacks.
Oh man, the diet for Mommy will be fun this week.

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