What a difference six months makes.
I have some recent cc debt, due to yet another surgery and dental bills, interest free for six months on Discover and will have it paid off within two months or so, so meh.
What's left is the mortgage, only $13,500, steadily paying that off.
My next huge financial goal is three fold.
I need to put aside 20k for my surgery.
Would like to start a sludge fund for a new to me gas efficient car, my minivan is not only a gas guzzler has well over 100k miles on it, the repairs are getting a little more expensive each time something goes wrong, and starting in June will be driving a lot more, so looking at maybe 15k.
Last is that I am still trying to get into a bigger house, which requires a down payment of roughly 80k.
This house needs a lot of repairs, updating, and I keep going back and forth between putting it on the market as a fixer upper or sinking funds into it, which is sort of counter intuitive with Rainman's banging behaviors.
All of the above costs money, of course, so my plan is:
Pay off the cc debt.
Start setting aside $500 a week no matter what to start chipping away at the total needed of 115k.
Just wanted to get this down somewhere.